A study has shown that immigrants in Denmark have a greater risk of developing schizophrenia. NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT via NewsEdge Corporation : A study has shown that immigrants in Denmark have a greater risk of developing schizophrenia. People who have moved to Denmark from Australia, Africa, the Middle East and Greenland have the highest risk of suffering from the disorder, while those from Scandinavia have the lowest, reported Reuters. A research team at the University of Lund in Sweden identified that immigrants were more than twice as likely as native Danes to develop schizophrenia. There was also found to be a greater risk in Danes who had lived abroad and returned to Denmark. The reasons for the findings are not known, but the researchers have suggested that future studies of schizophrenia should look at immigration rather than particular ethnic groups. ((Comments on this story may be sent to nbr.feedback nordicbusinessreport.com)) <> << Copyright ©2003 M2 Communications Ltd >>
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